Linda doing a book signing at Barnes & Noble

Linda doing a book signing at Barnes & Noble

Linda Plunkett’s second book, “Living a Positive Life in a Negative World: My Uphill Journey,” has been well received.  She has been actively speaking to audiences in a number of locations and at different events, and those that have attended her talks are telling her how much her message resonates with them.

“That’s why I wrote the book,” Linda explains.  “I wanted to help people.  I went through so much on my journey from the brain surgery and the fibromyalgia battle detailed in my first book, that I knew that I had to share all that I learned so that others could benefit from my experiences.  Releasing the second book and getting out and doing speaking engagements has allowed me to do exactly that and it means so much to me to hear from people that say they’re being helped.”

She added that, with the speaking that she does, “I seek to help people overcome obstacles related to body, soul, mind and spirit.  As a Christian Psychologist, I have helped so many overcome issues with the mind – emotional and spiritual issues.”  She also pointed to her second book and said that, “Many topics offered in part two include dealing with stress, persevering through hard times, and to have positive hope and come back stronger.”

Amazon shows a five-star rating for “Living a Positive Life in a Negative World: My Uphill Journey” and a comment on a recent Facebook post said, “Yes!!!  Powerful testimony and books!!!”  Another commenter on that platform wrote, “Blessed that I know… that you walk your talk.”

Furthermore, show hosts are taking notice and have been interviewing Linda about her second book (as well as the first) and asking about her story and the talks that she gives.

Linda adds, “People ask me if there will be a third book.  Only God knows that, so for now I’m staying obedient to sharing the message of ‘Living a Positive Life in a Negative World’ and helping people with whatever challenges they’re facing.  I have really been through a lot, but I’m actually grateful for those experiences because I see now that I went through it all so that I can be in service to others.”